Gus 7th – Oceania TT Champs

Kelly Cycling Coaching athlete, Gus Lyons competed in the Oceania U19 time trial today, finishing in 7th place.
Gus is a first year U19 so this was a great result up against a number of older riders. Gus finished the hilly 26km circuit, only 38sec behind the South Australian winner, in a time of 37min 35sec.
Gus was forced to slam on his brakes for an inquisitive kangaroo that appeared on the road on the steep descent before the U turn at the half way point. Deciding that staying upright was better than anticipating which way the roo was planning to hop, Gus lost about 20sec in the incident.
Good luck to Drew Morey and Gus Lyons (Park Trent Cycling Team) and Mark Kelly (Essendon SKODA team) who are all competing in the Oceania Road race on Sunday.
Click here to read about the new U19 Park Trent Cycling team.