Snibson in State Team

Junior Road Nationals – 6 and 7 August 2011
Congratulations to Victoria Snibson who was selected to form part of the Victorian Team for the upcoming Junior Road Nationals, to be held in Dookie in September 2011.
Victoria won the time trial in the Junior State Time Trial Championships in Wangaratta on Saturday, as well as the Eildon Junior Tour time trial 3 weeks ago. Victoria was ranked number 1 in the time trial, giving her the advantage of starting last. She completed the course 10km course in 17mins30sec, winning by 38sec over Grace Fryer and Ruby Greig-Hurtig.
Full results: Refer CSV website.
Congratulations Vic. Here is what she had to say when we asked her about her weekend of racing.
How did you feel when you warmed up?
When I warmed up I wasn’t feeling too bad. I rode the course over and did a session on my trainer and after that felt really good, but I was pretty nervous.
What was the weather like?
The weather got worse just before my time trial; it was windy and a bit drizzly. I didn’t really mind this because I’m used to training in the wet but I made the time trial a bit physically harder and meant that the corners were a bit more technical.
Did last weeks’ TT win at Eildon give you a lot of confidence coming into this race? (ranked number one would have been a great feeling!!)
Last weeks time trial at Eildon made me confident in my physical form for the race and I have been performing consistently with the time trials all season. I am fond of the course at Wangaratta because it’s a really good power course like Eildon. Although having said that every race is different and you never know what form other people are going to be in.
How did you feel during the TT?
I didn’t feel too bad in the time trial, I had a really good start, but it actually felt a bit slow which was frustrating.
Did you know you’d won when you crossed the line?
I honestly thought that I hadn’t done enough; I knew that the time wasn’t bad for the conditions but I wasn’t really sure about the average speed, I felt as if it was a bit slow.
How did it feel when you found out you’d won?
I was ecstatic when I found out that I had won. I made me so happy to finally have all my hard work pay off, especially since I’ve been working on this for so long. It was a really good feeling to know that all the help and time myself; parents, coaches, friends and family had put into me finally lead to a big result.
What did you do to recover from the TT?
I had a spin on the road for 5 minutes and 15 minutes on my trainer and then I had an ice bath in the hotel pool.
And on Sunday, you competed in the Road race. How did this race unfold? What happened early in the race?
The race was pretty steady for the first five kilometers and then the race really heated up on the climb up to Glen Rowan. After that it slowed down a bit till it hit the climb and it was really tense in the field before the main climb when the main attacks happened.
Where there any points in the race where you had to really dig deep?
The climb was a really tough section for me. I’m more suited to flat races and this part was really testing. I was so happy to get over the climb with the main group. I was begging the hill to end it was a really killer part of the race for me.
What did you eat during the race? Anything or just drink?
I some power bar shot blocks and had a sip of water but the race was pretty hot the entire time and it was hard to eat and drink when the pace was on.
How did the last 5km unfold?
The last five kilometers were really fast there were five of us in a chase group, trying to catch Ruby who had broken away on the climb. With one kilometer to go we all knew that wouldn’t catch Ruby so the race slowed right down and became really on edge. I took the corner into the sprint first and probably went a little bit early. It was a tough sprint but I was really happy with my fifth place.