Core Stability Exercises
Below are a number of suggested core stability exercises you can do at home, that will help you become stronger throughout your core. For professional help on how to do gym and core work, please seek out a Strength and Conditioning coach.
Hip Raiser |
- Start lying on your back
- Knees bent
- Squeeze your gluteals (butt muscles), push your heals into the floor and lift your hips
- Hold for 10 sec then lower your hips to the floor
- Repeat
To make it harder, once you raise your hips in the air, extend other leg out in line with the bent quad.
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 10-15 reps per leg |

Leg raisers |
- Lie on your stomach
- Squeeze your left gluteal
- Lift your left leg and hold for 2sec
- Lower your left leg to the floor
- Repeat with your other leg
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 10-15 reps per leg |
Cobra Arch |
- Lie on your stomach
- Squeeze your gluteal muscles and press your hips down into the matt
- Lift your upper body keeping your hips pressed downwards
- Hold for 20-30sec then lie back down
- Repeat.
- A more challenging pose is to extend arms out straight in front of you and also raise your feet high off the ground.
- Try to keep both arms and legs straight and press your hips into the ground.
Suggestion: 2 sets x 5 reps holding each rep for 20-30sec |
Step Ups |
- Start with your left foot on the step and arms out in front of you
- Contract your gluteal muscles and visualise pushing weight down through your left foot
- Push up onto the step using your left leg only (don’t push off the floor with your right leg)
- Step back down and repeat as required
- Then swap legs and repeat
- This exercise can be made harder by holding dumbells in each hand
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 10 reps per leg |
Lunge with twist |
- With a wide stance, step with your right leg into a lunge with your arms out to the side
- With your right leg forward, you will twist to the right and hold for 5-10 seconds
- Focus on not allowing your leg to drift across your body (keep it straight)
- Twist back to the front and stand up, then step forward with your left leg
- Twist to the left this time, hold, twist back, stand and repeat as required
- A variation is to hold a (10-20kg) plate above your head, and rather than twist pause in the deep lunge then stand.
Suggestion: 2 sets x 10 reps per leg |
Single leg squats |
- Stand on one leg with your hands out in front for balance
- Try to do this exercise in front of a mirror to ensure your knee doesn’t drift across your body
- Bend your leg slowly and control your knee as it will tend to drift inwards
- Think about contracting your gluteals and quads to control your leg
- Hold for 5 seconds then stand and repeat as required
- Then swap legs and repeat
- Make this harder by using dumbells in each hand. Raise dumbells as you squat and lower them as you stand straight.
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 10 reps per leg |
Prone hold |
- Lie on the floor on your side with your feet together
- Lift your hips off the floor and put your weight on your elbow with the other hand in the air or by your side
- Hold this position for 30sec and then lie down on the floor to rest.
- To make it harder, try and take one leg off the floor and balance on your hand, rather than your elbow.
- Hold this position for 30sec and then lie down on the floor to rest.
Suggestion: 2 sets x 30sec hold per side |
4 point kneel |
- Start on your hands and knees with your toes curled and your head down
- Lift both knees off the ground so all your weight is in your hands and toes
- Lift and extend your left leg out behind you and hold for 3-5 seconds, balancing on your hands and right foot
- Remember not to arch your back and try to keep your hips level
- Bring your left foot back onto the floor and now lift and extend your right leg out behind you
- Repeat as required
Suggestion: 2 sets x 4 reps per leg |
2 point kneel |
- Start on your hands and knees with your toes curled and your head down
- Lift both knees off the ground so all your weight is in your hands and toes
- Lift and extend your left leg out behind you and at the same time your right arm
- Hold for 1-2 seconds, balancing only on your left hand and right foot (this is really challenging)
- Remember not to arch your back and try to keep your hips level
- As you bring your left foot and right hand back onto the floor, take off your right foot and left hand
- Repeat as required
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 5-10 reps per leg |
Side leg raisers |
- Start lying on your left side with your right leg lying on top of your left leg
- Rest your head comfortably on your arm
- Keeping your ankles together, raise your right knee away from your left knee and back down
- After 8-10 reps you should start to feel it burn in your gluteals
- If you have a theraband (elastic) you can tie this around your knees to create extra resistance as you tryto raise your knee
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 15 reps per leg |
Yoga pushups |
- Start with your feet slightly apart, and head facing down to minimise tension on your neck
- Place your hands close to your body with your elbows pointed backwards rather than out to the sides
- Focus on squeezing the mucsles between your shoulder blades as you push up and straighten your arms
- These are challenging so don’t worry if you can only do 1 or 2 to start with
Suggestion: 2 sets x 3-5 reps |
Aero bar hold |
- Start with your arms at right angles and your knees on the floor and toes tucked under
- Keep your back straight and lift your knees off the floor, keeping your head down looking at the floor
- Hold for 15-20sec then lie down to rest
- Repeat as required
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 5-10 reps (30-45sec hold per rep) |
Dips |
- Start with your hands against the edge of the couch or something solid that will not move
- Place your feet together and legs out in front
- Bend your elbows back and lower yourself towards the floor (you don’t need to touch the floor)
- Push with your arms so you are back to the start position
- Repeat as required
Suggestion: 2 sets x 10 reps |
Arabesque pose |
- Stand on one leg first and get your balance
- Extend your arms out in front of you and keep your head down
- Contract your gluteal in your raised leg and extend it back behind you so its horizontal to the floor
- Keep your back flat and visualise pushing your heel back as far as you can
- Try to keep your hips level. If your left leg is extended back, make sure your left hip isn’t raised too high
- Hold this position for 30-60sec then lower your leg
- Swap legs and repeat
- A variation is to slowly bend and straighten the leg you are balancing on.
- Another variation – with the right leg raised, try to rotate the right hip upwards and hold (try this holding onto a chair initially til you get your balance for this)
Suggestion: 2-4 sets x 30-60sec hold per leg |
There are also many exercises you can do with a swiss ball. Here are few examples for you:
Balance your feet on a swiss ball |
- Start lying on your back with your feet on a swiss ball
- Squeeze your gluteals and lift your hips off the floor
- Hold for 10sec and then lower your hips back to the floor
- Repeat as required
Balance with one foot on a swiss ball |
- Start lying on your back with your heels on a swiss ball
- Squeeze your gluteals and lift your hips off the floor
- Lift your left leg off the ball, so only your right leg is on the ball and hold for 10sec
- Then swap legs. Put your left leg back on the ball and lift your right leg off the ball
- Repeat as required
Bend and straighten legs on a swiss ball |
- Start lying on your back with your feet on a swiss ball
- Squeeze your gluteals and lift your hips off the floor
- Use your heels and gluteals to bend your legs and pull the ball towards you,keeping your hips up and back flat. You may also feel your hamstrings working.
- Then push the ball away from you so your legs are completely straight againand continue to keep your hips up off the floor
- Repeat as required